Man looking at himself in the mirror


A Beard-Balancing Act Between Masculine Charm And Mountain Man
Thinking about rocking stubble? If you’ve been sporting the clean-shaven look, it’s time you take your look to the next level and embrace a bit of stubble.


Does your skin react harshly to shaving Razor burn and ingrown hairs can be a sign that you’re likely shaving too much and can get pretty uncomfortable. Embracing your stubble is a good way to let your skin breathe while embracing a brand new look.


The 3-day beard is a good place to start if you're just getting started. Plus, you have the benefit of being able to take it for a test drive over the weekend, and away from the office and your co-worker's glances. One thing to be mindful of however, is that this level of scruff isn't always so gentle on your partner's skin, so if you have a hot date planned you may want to shave clean or grow it long enough to get past the scratchy stage. Sensitive Skin Moisture Cream couldn't hurt.

Where to start? That's pretty simple actually: don't shave for 3 days, and maybe a couple more depending on how fast your facial hair grows. In this time you should achieve around 2 to 3mm of length, which will give you a rugged, stylish look. The 3-day beard is especially flattering for more angular faces.

As far as maintenance, you're going to want to breakout the trimmers every couple of days to maintain the 3-day beard. Select a guide, again around 2 to 3mm, and simply run your clippers over your face and neck against the grain to keep it tight. To clean up the edges and the hard to trim areas such as your lips and below the nose, simply remove the guide and carefully trim those wild hairs.

While you're going to want a natural look, we recommend spending some time to define your neckline and clean shaving below this line. If your stubble grows high on your cheeks, you'll want to clean this up with a razor as well. Again, you're going for a natural look, so take the time to avoid sharp straight lines. And that should do it.